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1) What classic horror movie features a serial killer in a William Shatner mask?

Due to its shoestring budget, the prop department for Halloween (1978) had to use the cheapest mask that they could find in the costume store: a William Shatner mask from The Devil's Rain (1975), which they altered by spray-painting the face white and reshaping the eyeholes.

2) In which horror movie does the protagonist write a book that contains only the line "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" repeated over and over and over?

The book that Jack writes in The Shining contains only the one sentence ("All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy") repeated over and over. Director Stanley Kubrick had each page individually typed.

3) What classic horror movie was originally titled The Babysitter Murders?

Director John Carpenter originally intended to call his movie The Babysitter Murders, but producer Irwin Yablans thought the story might resonate more if it were based around a specific holiday, so the title was changed to Halloween.

4) How many people associated with The Exorcist died during production?

By the end of the film's production, nine people associated with its making had passed away, including Jack McGowran who played Burke Dennings, Linda Blair's grandfather, a night watchman on set, and a special effects expert.

5) What horror film was the first movie to show a woman in just a bra and slip?

In the opening scene of Psycho, Marion Crane (played by Janet Leigh) wears only a white bra and half-slip, having just had a mid-day tryst with her divorced lover in a hotel. While the scene leaves much to the modern imagination, in 1960 it was shockingly direct.

6) What color is Freddy Krueger's sweater?

Craven chose to make Krueger's sweater red and green after reading an article in a 1982 Scientific American that said these two colors were the most clashing colors to the human retina.

7) How many people does Jason kill in the first Friday the 13th film?

In the first movie, Jason's mother Pamela does the killing.

8) In Scream, what is Rule #1 on Randy's list of rules for surviving a horror movie?

Scream itself subverts the idea that sex marks a character for certain death when Sidney sleeps with Billy who turns out to be one of the killers.

9) What horror movie required the purchase of 500 Florida frogs and 100 giant South American toads?

Many of the 500 Florida frogs and 100 giant South American toads purchased for use in The Frogs escaped during production.

10) What was the original title of The Blob?

The Blob was originally going to be called The Glob -- until it was discovered that the title has already been used by cartoonist Walt Kelly.