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21) Which of the following measures the amount of damage done by an earthquake?

The Mercalli scale is the lesser known of the two scales to measure earthquakes -- it measures the effects of an earthquake and is distinct from the Richter scale which measures the energy released.

22) Saturn is the ______ planet.

With a polar diameter that is 90% of its equatorial diameter, Saturn is the flattest of all the planets. This is because of the its low density and fast rotation speed.

23) How many pencils could you produce from the carbon in the average human body?

The human body contains enough carbon to produce graphite for about 9,000 pencils.

24) Who is considered the founder of the modern science of genetics?

Though farmers had known for centuries that crossbreeding of animals and plants could favor certain desirable traits, Gregor Mendel's pea plant experiments conducted between 1856 and 1863 established many of the rules of heredity, now referred to as the laws of Mendelian inheritance.

25) How many new species are discovered each year?

Even after 250 years of professionals documenting thousands of new plants and animals every year, the rate at which new species are discovered remains relatively stable. Approximately 18,000 new species are discovered each year, with about half of those being insects.

26) During what lunar phase is the moon least visible from Earth?

The new moon is the phase that is least visible to us here on Earth because the moon is between the earth and the sun, and its illuminated side is facing away from us.

27) What hormone does the pancreas produce?

The pancreas produces several other hormones as well, including glucagon, pancreatic polypeptide, and somatostatin, but is probably best known for its insulin-producing capabilities.

28) What is the function of kidneys in the human body?

In addition to removing waste products, the kidneys help regulate electrolytes, maintain the body's acid-base balance, and help regulate blood pressure by helping the body have the correct salt balance.

29) What prize did Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose win for their paper proving time had a beginning?

Their joint essay was the runner-up in the 1968 Gravity Research Foundation competition. Hawking said he and Penrose split the $300 prize.

30) What is Johannes Kepler best known for?

Kepler's laws of planetary motion are three scientific laws describing the motion of planets around the Sun.