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1) Where was Jared born?

Jared was born in San Antonio, Texas, on July 19, 1982.

2) Who is Jared's wife in real life?

On February 27, 2010, Padalecki married former Supernatural guest star Genevieve Cortese (who played the demon Ruby during the show's fourth season).

3) What is Jared's favorite food?

Jared's favorite food is a cheeseburger with mustard, lettuce and tomato.

4) Jared's first film role was in what movie?

Jared's film debut was a minor role in the 1999 film A Little Inside about a professional baseball player trying to single-handedly raise his young daughter.

5) Jared founded his charity Always Keep Fighting to help people struggling with what condition?

In March 2015, Padalecki launched his Always Keep Fighting campaign to raise funds for people struggling with depression.

6) What is Jared's role on Supernatural?

Jared plays Sam Winchester who hunts demons, spirits and other supernatural creatures with the help of his older brother Dean (Jensen Ackles).

7) What is the proper term for Jared's fans?

All of these nicknames have been used for Jared's fans.

8) On what TV show did Jared play the role of Dean Forester?

On Gilmore Girls, Jared played the role of Dean Forester, Rory Gilmore's "perfect first boyfriend".

9) What are the names of Jared's dogs?

Harley and Sadie (aka Harley Brown and Sadie Lane) are Jared's dogs. Rescued from the same shelter, Harley (Mastiff cross) and Sadie (German Shepherd mix) starred with Jared as part of an anti-fur campaign run by People for the Ethical treatment of Animals (PETA).

10) What is Jared's nickname?

Jared has answered to all of the following nicknames: Sasquatch, Jare, Paddy, Stretchy, Lord, Jarhead, Jaredina.