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21) What are the names of the FBI agents who take over the crime scene?

22) What alias does Hans use in Die Hard?

When he finds himself alone and unarmed with McClane, Hans pretends to be an innocent bystander named "Bill Clay". McClane gives Hans a gun, which seems like a fatal mistake, but the gun turns out to be unloaded, meaning McClane knew or at least suspected that "Bill Clay" wasn't who he claimed to be.

23) Why does Hans tell Karl to "shoot the glass"?

Knowing John is barefoot, Hans has Karl shoot the glass walls of the office John is trapped in. John still manages to escape, but now his feet are cut to shreds and he's leaving behind a trail of blood.

24) Why did Powell become a "desk jockey"?

POWELL: I ... I shot a kid. Eleven years ago. Oh, it was dark ... he was big for his age ... damn ray gun he had looked real enough ... yeah, I had all the right excuses ... but afterwards ... I really couldn't draw my gun again.

25) What happens to Johnson & Johnson?

Agents Johnson & Johnsons die in a fiery explosion when the terrorists blow the roof off of Nakatomi Plaza.

26) How does Hans die?

After McClane shoots him in the shoulder, Hans staggers backwards, crashes through a broken window and ultimately plummets to his death on the pavement of the plaza 30 stories below.

27) What does Deputy Chief Dwayne T. Robinson say as Hans falls from the building?

ROBINSON: [watching Hans fall to his death from the 30th floor] Oh, I hope that's not a hostage.

28) Who takes out the last "terrorist"?

As John and Holly exit the building, a bloodied Karl emerges behind them wielding a machine gun. As John shields Holly, preparing to get shot, Powell draws his service revolver and shoots Karl dead.