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21) According to Gibbs, what helped Jack escape from the island Barbossa left him stranded on?

GIBBS: He waded out into the shallows, and he waited there three days and three nights, till all manner of sea creatures came acclimated to his presence. Then, on the fourth morning, he roped himself a couple of sea turtles, lashed them together, and made a raft.

22) Whose blood does Barbossa need to lift the curse?

In order to break the curse, the crew must return all the stolen gold along with a blood sacrifice from each of the thieves. After a decade, they have succeeded in fulfilling all of the requirements to end the curse--except for obtaining the blood of Bootstrap Bill who was thrown overboard tied to a cannon on Barbossa's orders. Fortunately, Bootstrap's blood runs through Will's veins.

23) What does the crew of the Interceptor load their cannons with?

Having no traditional cannonballs, the crew loads the cannons with whatever they can find--mostly silverware.

24) Why does Jack steal a piece of the cursed gold?

Jack takes a share of the loot so that he too will be cursed and thus can't be killed during his fight with Barbossa.

25) Why does Barbossa's crew surrender to Commodore Norrington?

Once they realize they're no longer cursed--and no longer immortal--Barbossa's crew surrenders to the Royal Navy.

26) Who rescues Jack from the hangman's noose?

Back at Port Royal, Jack is led to the gallows to be hanged for piracy. Elizabeth diverts Norrington's attention while Will attempts a rescue. As Jack dives into the sea and escapes aboard the nearby Pearl, Norrington decides to permit Jack "one day's head start" before initiating pursuit.