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31) What fruit does the one-eyed man poison?

Indy attempts to eat one of the poisoned dates, but Sallah catches the date before it can enter his mouth, pointing to the corpse of the monkey who died from eating them. "Bad dates," Sallah remarks.

32) What does Indy do when he finds Marion alive in the tent?

Indy finds Marion alive at the Tanis site. She has been bound and gagged by her captors, but he decides to leave her behind and come back for her later, as her disappearance would jeopardize his chances of finding the Ark.

33) What happens as Indy and Sallah dig for the Ark?

As Indy and his crew dig, an ominous lightning storm begins to brew.

34) What guards the Ark of the Covenant?

INDY: Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?
SALLAH: Asps. Very dangerous. You go first.

35) What gift does Belloq give Marion?

Belloq attempts to gain Marion's favor by giving her food and a new dress. Marion plays along, plotting her escape, but is ultimately foiled by the arrival of the sadistic Gestapo agent Toht.

36) Which Star Wars character is hidden in the Well of Souls?

Freeze-framing during the Well of Souls scene, you can clearly see a golden pillar with a tiny engraving of R2-D2 and C-3PO.

37) How do Indy and Marion escape the Well of Souls?

Indy knocks down one wall of the chamber by toppling a giant statue of Anubis to reveal an adjoining room (filled with mummified corpses) that leads to the surface.

38) How does Indy defeat the bald German mechanic/boxer?

Highly skilled in boxing and brutally strong, the German mechanic easily bests Indy in hand-to-hand combat before he is inadvertently torn to shreds by one of the airplane's propellers.

39) How does Indy chase down the German truck with the Ark in it?

Stealing a horse and charging after the truck convoy, Indy somehow manages to take control of the truck, defeat the Nazi soldiers in the truck and on the other support vehicles, and escape from Belloq and Dietrich.

40) What is the name of Simon Katanga's ship?

The Bantu Wind agrees to transport Indy and Marion across the Mediterranean, along with the Ark, but it is overtaken by a German U-boat, the Wurrfler, and boarded by Belloq and his Nazi companions.