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21) Every second, the sun releases energy equivalent to how many nuclear bombs?

A one megaton nuclear bomb -- the equivalent of a million tons of TNT -- detonates with an energy of about 4 x 10^22 ergs. That means the amount of energy emitted by the Sun (4x10^33 / 4 x 10^22) equals 100 billion one-megaton nuclear bombs exploding every second.

22) There are no _____ stars.

Stars emit a spectrum of colors, including green, but the human eye-brain connection mixes the colors together in a manner that produces: from lower to higher temperatures, red, orange, yellow, white and blue. So as far as the human eye can tell, there are no green stars.

23) What color is Saturn?

Saturn has a pale yellow hue due to ammonia crystals in its upper atmosphere.

24) Which of the following was discovered in 2002?

Roughly half the size of Pluto, Quaoar is classified as a "Kuiper Belt object".

25) What accounts for approximately 85% of the matter in the universe?

The majority of dark matter is thought to be non-baryonic in nature, possibly being composed of some as-yet undiscovered subatomic particles.

26) Which planet has a two-tone moon?

Saturn's moon Iapetus is a study in contrasts, with a very dark hemisphere and a very light hemisphere. It's unlike anything else in the solar system. Some scientists believe that particles from Phoebe (a darker moon) may be falling on its surface. Others speculate that the coloration is due to volcanic eruptions of hydrocarbons, which would create dark patches.

27) What is a Martian day called?

The term sol is used by planetary scientists to refer to the duration of a solar day on Mars. The term was adopted during the Viking project in order to avoid confusion with an Earth day.

28) What kind of star is our sun?

At the end of its life, a yellow dwarf star becomes a red giant and white dwarf. Our Sun is a typical yellow dwarf.

29) Which of Jupiter's moons has about 400 active volcanos?

Io is the most volcanically active body in the Solar System.

30) Mercury has a _____.

Mercury's gravity is too weak to hold a permanent atmosphere, so when atoms are evaporated from the planet's surface by solar photons or other processes, some of the atoms form a tail that points away from the sun.