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1) How long do tigers usually live in the wild?

The lifespan of tigers depend on whether they live in captivity or in the wild. They can live for 20 to 25 years in captivity because of regular food supply, medical care and safety from threats such as poaching and habitat loss. In the wild, the average lifespan of a tiger is much less, just 10 to 15 years.

2) Tigers usually live in groups of ____.

Tigers do not live in permanent groups like lions do. With the exception of females who are raising cubs, most adult tigers live alone.

3) What is the largest subspecies of tiger?

An adult Siberian tiger can measure more than 10.5 feet (3.3 meters) from head to tail and weigh up to 660 pounds (300 kilograms).

4) How fast can a tiger run?

Despite their immense weight, tigers can reach top speeds of 35 to 40 miles per hour (49 to 65 kilometers per hour) but can only sustain this speed over short distances.

5) Tigers have spots on their ____ that look like eyes.

Tigers have a white spot on the back of both ears, which looks like eyes. This tricks animals into thinking the tiger is looking at them even when they are not.

6) What do you call a group of tigers?

Although tigers are solitary creatures and prefer not to gather in groups, they are sometimes forced to dwell together in captivity or when a mother is caring for her young. In such cases, a group of tigers is called a streak or an ambush.

7) The night vision of a tiger is how many times better than that of a human?

Tigers require only about 1/6 the light humans do to see.

8) A tiger's eyes are most likely what color?

Generally, tigers have yellow eyes with black irises. The exception is the white tiger, which typically has blue eyes.

9) Which of the following is true of tigers?

Tigers are the only cat species that are completely striped. They even have stripes on the skin beneath their fur.

10) On average, how much does a tiger cub weigh at birth?

Tiger cubs are born blind and are completely dependent on their mother. On average, a newborn cub weighs about 2.5 lbs.