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1) What do Smurfs live in?

Smurfs live in mushroom houses in the forest.

2) How many Smurfs are there?

According to the original magazine that published The Smurfs comics, there are 105 Smurfs.

3) The Smurfs is a spinoff from what Belgian comic strip?

The Smurfs actually began as part of a different comic strip, Johan & Peewit, about a medieval page and his tiny goat-riding sidekick.

4) What do Smurfs mostly eat?

Smurfberries are the primary source of nutrition for the Smurfs, along with Sarsaparilla leaves.

5) How many female Smurfs are there in the original TV series?

Smurfette isn't the only female Smurf. In fact, there are three of them, including Sassette Smurfling and Nanny Smurf.

6) Who created Smurfette?

The first female Smurf was magically created from clay by Gargamel, the Smurfs arch nemesis, to spy on the Smurfs and stir trouble among them. But Smurfette had a good heart, and Papa Smurf cast a spell to change her into a real Smurf.

7) What kind of pet does Gargamel have?

Gargamel's pet cat Azrael tends to realize beforehand that his master's schemes will go awry, but goes along with them anyway in hopes of possibly capturing a Smurf to eat.

8) What project are the Smurfs working on in nearly every episode?

The Smurf Village Dam holds back water from a nearby lake to keep it from overflowing into the village.

9) What is the main reason Gargamel wants the Smurfs?

His main goal in life is to destroy the Smurfs and turn them into gold.

10) What song do the Smurfs always sing?

The smurfs can be heard singing "La La La La La La La La" in almost every episode.