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71) Who serves as ship's cook aboard Voyager?

When Neelix joins the Voyager crew, he appoints himself ship's cook.

72) Which former co-star had a long-standing feud with William Shatner?

William Shatner's well-documented feud with former co-star George Takei simmered for decades. Both actors took jabs at each other during major media interviews, including on Howard Stern, Real Time with Bill Maher, and even in their autobiographies.

73) What character owns a bar on Deep Space Nine?

Before opening a bar, known as Quark's, on the station, Quark served as a cook aboard a Ferengi freighter for eight years.

74) Who is Data's brother?

Lore is an android of the same model and appearance as Lt. Commander Data of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D. Both were created by Dr. Noonien Soong, but Lore was equipped with an emotion chip that made him unstable. He was responsible for the death of all colonists on Omicron Theta and proved exceptionally dangerous during several encounters with his "brother" Data and the crew of the Enterprise.

75) Whose cover version of "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" was voted "worst massacre of a The Beatles song ever" in May 2003?

According to Rolling Stone, Shatner claims he recorded "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" in the voice of somebody tripping on LSD. Nobody has ever tripped that bad.

76) What was the name of Spock's betrothed in the episode "Amok Time"?

Vulcans are bonded as children to fulfill the pon farr commitment, and T'Pring was chosen as Spock's mate. But when T'Pring arrives for the ceremony she brings Stonn, a pureblood Vulcan with whom she has fallen in love.

77) What is the name of Worf's son?

Alexander Rozhenko is the son of Worf and Federation Ambassador K'Ehleyr. He was born on the 43rd day of Maktag in 2366 and is a member of the House of Mogh and the House of Martok.

78) How did Captain Kirk's brother die?

Kirk's brother Sam was a research biologist on Deneva. When vessels from Ingraham B arrived carrying neural parasites, many of the colonists were infected, including Sam. Although his wife managed to send a distress call to the Enterprise, Sam died before help could arrive.

79) Which of the following is a Klingon insult?

"d'blok" is a Klingon insult, though the exact meaning is unclear.

80) In "Mudd's Women", what was the name of the pill the women took to stay beautiful?

In order to pawn the women off on unsuspecting husbands, Mudd gives them the "Venus Drug" which makes them appear more beautiful than they would otherwise seem.