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21) What is the name of Dustin's girlfriend from science camp?

Dustin returns from summer science camp and, with the help of the other kids, sets up a makeshift radio tower so he can contact his camp girlfriend Suzie. But Dustin is unable to contact Suzie, leading the other kids to doubt whether Suzie really exists.

22) Which character claims that rats are eating her fertilizer?

When Doris Driscoll calls The Hawkins Post complaining about rabid rats, Nancy answers the phone and ultimately decides to investigate the case in order to prove herself as a reporter. After finding reports of missing fertilizer and chemicals all over Hawkins, Nancy takes Jonathan back to Mrs. Driscoll's house where they find her eating fertilizer herself.

23) Which co-worker does Billy abduct from the pool?

During one of her shifts, Heather Holloway finds Billy acting strangely and goes to check on him. This proves to be a bad idea as Billy abducts her and brings her to the Mind Flayer, where she is converted into one of the Flayed.

24) Who do Dustin and Steve recruit to crawl through a series of air ducts connecting to a storage room allegedly holding Soviet equipment?

Lucas' little sister Erica agrees to help them, but only on the condition that she receives free ice cream for life.

25) Why isn't Robin interested in Steve?

After being dosed with truth serum by the Russians, Steve admits that he has feelings for Robin. However, Robin admits that she's a lesbian.

26) Who sacrifices his life to save Eleven from the Mind Flayer?

Eleven recalls the memories she saw of Billy's childhood and reaches out to him, reminding him of his last moment of true happiness with his mother, which breaks the Mind Flayer's control. Billy then confronts the Mind Flayer and sacrifices himself to stop it from killing Eleven, his stepsister, and all their friends.