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1) Which comic book did the Justice League originally appear in?

The Justice League of America (JLA) made its first appearance in The Brave and the Bold #28 (March 1960), battling a giant starfish named Starro. The original team consisted of Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman and the Martian Manhunter.

2) Where was the Justice League's original headquarters?

The JLA Secret Sanctuary was a cave in the side of a mountain in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. Used throughout the Silver Age, the League abandoned it when they moved to the Justice League Satellite. It has since been used by the android Hourman, Young Justice, Doom Patrol and Justice Society of America.

3) Who was the first hero to decline membership in the Justice League?

In Justice League of America #42 (Feb. 1966), Metamorpho teams up with the JLA to stop an alien menace known as the Unimaginable. When the team offers him membership, he declines, although he later agrees to be a "standby" member.

4) What teenager accompanied the Justice League on many of its earliest missions?

Lucas "Snapper" Carr tagged along on early missions, becoming both the team's mascot and an official member. Snapper, noted for speaking in beatnik dialect and snapping his fingers, resigned in Justice League of America #77 after compromising the location of the team's headquarters.

5) Who gave Hal Jordan his power ring?

Hal Jordan was given the power ring and battery (lantern) by a dying alien named Abin Sur, whose spaceship had crashed on Earth.

6) What is Superman's Kryptonian name?

Superman's Kryptonian name is Kal-El. Jor-El was his father, and Zor-El was his uncle.

7) Which of the following does Batman NOT carry in his utility belt?

Batman does NOT carry reading glasses in his utility belt. (He's probably had lasik.) He DOES carry shark repellent (Batman #117), a crayon (Batman #149), and a backup costume (Batman #71).

8) Who was the first black JLA member?

While Marvel's Avengers inducted the Black Panther in 1968, the JLA lagged way behind, not inducting its first black member until 1984 when writer Gerry Conway introduced Vixen, a female super-hero from Zambesi who adopts the abilities of animals. Using her Tantu Totem, she channels the powers of the animal kingdom by tapping into the morphogenetic field.

9) Why does Black Canary migrate from Earth-Two to Earth-One?

After a universe spanning battle in Justice League of America #74, Larry Lance sacrifices himself to save his wife from a blast of cosmic energy directed at her by the cosmic-powered villain Aquarius. After his funeral, Black Canary decides to migrate from Earth-Two to Earth-One with the former world reminding her too much of her lost husband.

10) Which JLA member is a shapeshifter?

The Martian Manhunter can become malleable, altering the size and length of limbs or his entire appearance. He often takes the human disguise of Detective John Jones. He has been known to grow an extra pair of arms in battle. He can also alter his density to move through objects or allow attacks to fly harmlessly through him.